School Closings & Schedule

All our LGTH schools will be closed on the following days in 2025:

School Closing calendar 2025:

January 1st, 2025New Year’s Day
February 17th, 2025President’s Day (In-Service Staff Training)
April 17th and April 18th, 2025Spring Break
May 26th, 2025Memorial Day
June 19th, 2025Juneteenth
July 4th 2025 Independence Day 
September 1st, 2025Labor Day
October 13th, 2025Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day (In-Service Staff Training)
November 26th Half Day*, 27th & 28th, 2025Thanksgiving Break
December 24th – Dec 31st, 2025 Winter Break
(*Half Day dismissal will be at 12:30pm – lunch will be served)